Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

We believe that businesses have a vital role in shaping the world of tomorrow. That’s why, since its inception, Datama has been committed to strong social and environmental initiatives.

Our current Commitment

1. Workplace fulfillment

We are convinced that the old-fashioned style of management is no longer relevant in 2024. We want every Datama team member to feel fulfilled, empowered, and actively contribute to the company’s successes. Since 2022, we have shared 50% of our net profit with all employees.

We promote open dialogue, initiative, team bonding moments, and the well-being of our entire team.

2. Equal opportunity and diversity

We believe that diversity is a strength that drives innovation and creativity, and we actively promote equal opportunities for all. Our non-discriminatory hiring practices ensure that we attract and retain talent from all walks of life, creating a dynamic team that reflects the diverse world we serve. We are dedicated to building a culture of respect and continuous learning, where every voice is heard and every contribution is recognized.

3. Business ethics

Trust, transparency, and responsibility are pillars of our relationships with clients and partners. We have established internal ethical criteria for selecting our suppliers, partners, and clients.

4. Associative partnerships

We undertake “pro bono” projects to help non-profits analyze their data. Additionally, every year, we donate 1% of our revenue to non-profit organizations dedicated to environmental protection or reducing social inequalities.

Our Future Commitments

We aim to continue our efforts in the coming years by:

Raising awareness and training our teams on topics such as climate action and responsible digital practices.

Raising awareness and training our teams on topics such as climate action and responsible digital practices.

Engaging in skills-based sponsorship to offer our expertise to local non-profits.

Engaging in skills-based sponsorship to offer our expertise to local non-profits.

Conducting our carbon footprint assessment and achieving B Corp certification.

Conducting our carbon footprint assessment and achieving B Corp certification.

Collectively defining our workplace ethical charter and sharing it.

Collectively defining our workplace ethical charter and sharing it.

At Datama the future of analytics
is drawn today. Join us as a client or collaborator, and be at the heart of this revolution!